What Is Alternative Investment Management?

20 January 2023 | General, Investment

Investment management has traditionally been thought of as a straightforward equation – investing in stocks, bonds, or funds to reach a financial goal. But what if traditional portfolio building techniques are not enough to obtain the desired returns and long-term wealth-building? This is where alternative investment management comes in.

Alternative investment management is a process of constructing a financial portfolio by taking a diverse, opportunistic approach to capital allocation and risk management. Unlike the more traditional methods of investing, alternative investment management strategies can offer investors and portfolio managers the opportunity to access more lucrative asset classes, reduce downside risks and generate higher returns in the long run.

This newfound ability to traverse unchartered waters of investing means that investors have the potential to tap into new pools of potential returns. But what does this really mean and how do you get started with alternative investment management? Join us as we take a closer look into the world of alternative investment management and explore the potential rewards it can offer.

The Benefits of Alternative Investment Management Strategies

When it comes to investment management, it is important to understand how to maximize returns while minimizing risk. Alternative investment management strategies can provide some lucrative benefits over traditional portfolio building tactics.

First off, by diversifying away from traditional stocks and into alternative assets such as real estate, private equity and hedge funds, investors can gain exposure to assets with the potential for less volatility, higher risk-adjusted returns, and a higher degree of liquidity.

Secondly, alternative investments can give investors an opportunity to access growth in emerging markets, offering the potential to capitalise on different market cycles which in turn gives the potential to obtain greater returns.

Not only that, but investors may also benefit from increased portfolio transparency as alternative investment management involves careful monitoring and analysis of all investments.

By taking control of their investments, investors can make sure that investments are in line with their original goals, reducing the potential for financial mismanagement and costly surprises.

Finally, alternative investments offer the potential to reduce dependence on traditional markets and offers the opportunity to invest in tangible assets with intrinsic value.

For example, investing in real estate offers the potential to diversify across geographic regions and to hedge against inflation – both of which are important aspects of a portfolio which traditional investments may not cover.

Investors may find that alternative investments can offer higher long-term returns and can also provide greater portfolio diversification, allowing for a more robust risk management strategy to be established.

Examining the Different Types of Alternative Investment Management Strategies

Alternative investment management covers many different types of investments, from real estate to private equity, from hedge funds to venture capital, and from commodities to cryptocurrencies.

The key to successfully managing an alternative investment portfolio is to understand the different asset classes, the associated risks and to diversify accordingly.

Real estate investments are one of the most popular forms of alternative investments and often form the cornerstone of an alternative portfolio. They offer the potential for higher returns than bonds, more mobility than stocks, and are often more stable in times of economic instability.

Commodities are another area of alternative investments and offer investors the potential to invest in physical assets such as gold, oil, and agricultural goods. Although commodities can be illiquid, they offer the potential to take advantage of pricing inefficiencies, while also providing a safe harbour in times of economic volatility.

Aside from this, venture capital funds are another form of alternative investment that aim to provide returns through investing in start-up businesses or early-stage financing of private companies. These investments can bring high returns, however they do carry with them high levels of risk and can only be recommended to experienced investors.

Finally, cryptocurrency investments are an increasingly popular asset class and offer the potential to access digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. While highly volatile, these assets boast the potential for high returns, though caution should always be exercised when investing.

Alternative investments are diverse and can provide investors with the opportunity to access new pools of returns, creating attractive risk/return profiles for portfolio managers and investors both.

How to Assess the Risks of Alternative Investment Management

Alternative investment management may seem attractive in theory, but the associated risks should never be discounted. As with all investments, the potential returns have to be weighed against the potential losses when assessing any given investment.

Before investing, those looking to engage in alternative investment management should assess the liquidity of any asset class, as well as understand the underlying reason for their investment. Ultimately, any investments made should be backed up by in-depth research, as any form of alternative investment carries with it a degree of risk.

Time is also fundamental when investing. While short-term investors may not benefit from alternative investments, longer-term players can typically expect to reap the most rewards as these asset classes are often not suitable for short-term market movements.

Furthermore, portfolio managers should also understand the complexities of any investment, lest they risk making a poor decision.

Risk should always be considered when investing in alternative asset classes and investors should ensure they are fully understanding an investment prior to allocating capital. As with all investments, diversifying is key to reducing risks and monitoring performance is recommended, in order to ensure that investments remain in line with expectations.

Getting Started with Creating an Alternative Investment Management Portfolio

Having looked at the different types of alternative investment strategies, how do you go about creating an alternative investment portfolio? As with all investments, it starts with understanding your own personal investment goals and strategies.

In terms of diversification, portfolio diversification is essential; it is important to spread your investments across different asset classes and different sub-strategies to reduce risk. Having a plan that outlines the asset mix you wish to achieve is also crucial, as well as an understanding of the risks associated with each asset class.

When it comes to selecting which assets to invest in, portfolio managers should undertake detailed analysis of individual investments to ensure that they are meeting their portfolio goals. Careful research into any asset class is also key- financial advisors and professionals can help investors in understanding the nuances of each asset class, thereby helping to minimise the risk of misallocation.

Finally, having a plan to manage any losses should form a key pillar of any investment portfolio. Financial advisers can be consulted for margin of safety measures for alternative investments and investors should ensure they understand the downsides of any investments prior to committing capital.

Creating a successful portfolio of alternative investments requires a well-considered strategy, careful analysis and effective portfolio management. With the right preparation, portfolio managers can make informed decisions, reducing the risk of financial loss, while also maximising potential returns.

Investment Management Technology: What Does the Future Hold?

Investment management technology continues to evolve at a lightning pace, offering investors new tools to optimise the return on their investments. Automated portfolio management tools are becoming increasingly popular, providing users with online software that can quickly analyse and adjust portfolios as the markets shift and change.

In the future, technology may become even more powerful, with computer programs potentially linked to a range of data sources to provide investors with accurate real-time analysis of portfolio movements.

We may see artificial intelligence used to assess the risk/return of asset classes and to determine the best opportunities for investors.

Robo-advisors are also likely to become prominent, with smart algorithms providing automated investment tips and advice tailored to each investor’s wealth objectives.

The potential use cases for blockchain technology is also on the rise, with its ability to securely store financial information and provide a tamper-proof ledger providing the potential to revolutionise investment management.

Artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and enhanced data analytics are all on the horizon, offering the promise of more streamlined, effective portfolio management. By taking advantage of these tools, investors can continue to enjoy the potential for higher returns and potentially achieve greater financial success in the future.


Investment management has come a long way since its inception. From its traditional stock-picking roots, to the potential of exploring alternative asset classes, modern portfolio managers have access to a range of tools and strategies to help them achieve financial success.

Alternative investment management offers investors the potential to diversify their portfolios, access new opportunities, generate higher returns and manage risk more effectively. When employed correctly, alternative investments can provide unparalleled returns and long-term wealthbuilding.

However, any form of investment comes with associated risks and investors should always undertake thorough due diligence, research and analysis before allocating capital. After assessing the risks, understanding the objectives and performing careful research, investors can use alternative investments strategies to generate the desired returns and secure their financial future.


  • Danielle Stone

    She has been writing professionally for 8 years, with articles published in various print and online publications. She is an avid researcher and strives to bring her readers the most up-to-date information and insights on the topics she covers. Danielle is also an expert on home renovation, interior design and construction, and she loves helping homeowners turn their dreams into realities. When she’s not writing or editing, Danielle enjoys spending time with her family, gardening and exploring nature.

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