Shop The Best Mortise Smart Lock For Better Home Security

11 June 2024 | General

Are you searching for the best mortise smart locks to improve your security? Mortise locks have a long history and are distinct from typical cylindrical locks, combining the handle and lock mechanisms into a single “pocket” unit.

While the handle and deadbolt may appear separate from the outside, they are integrated into a mortise-style unit.

Historically found on high-traffic commercial doors, mortise locks are now increasingly common in apartments and homes. These locks offer superior security and durability compared to other types.

What is a mortise smart lock?

A mortise smart lock is an electrical advanced type of door lock that integrates the traditional mortise lock mechanism with modern smart technology. Like traditional door locks, these smart versions include both a latch and a deadbolt, requiring a pocket, or mortise, to be carved into the door’s edge for installation.

This design keeps most of the locking components housed within the door, resulting in minimal visible hardware and a clean, aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Smart locks provide enhanced security and privacy, with the added benefit of smart features such as remote access, digital keys, and integration with home automation systems.

These locks are more complex to install than other types but offer superior protection and convenience for homes and businesses. Read more about electrical door locks at, visit the website here.

Functional advantages of the smart locks

  • Remote access and control
    Many mortise smart locks can be controlled remotely via smartphones, allowing you to lock or unlock your door from anywhere. This feature is particularly useful for managing access to your property when you are away.
  • Auto-locking
    Some smart locks come with auto-locking features that automatically lock the door after a certain period, enhancing security by ensuring the door is never accidentally left unlocked.
  • Integration with smart home systems
    Mortise smart locks can often be integrated with other smart home devices, such as security cameras and alarm systems, providing a comprehensive security solution.
  • Biometric access
    Advanced models include biometric access control, such as fingerprint recognition, offering a higher level of security and convenience.

Functional Advantages Of The Smart Locks

Primary benefits of installing a smart mortise lock

Mortise locks are among the safest door locks on the market today, thanks to their robust design and advanced security features. These locks are highly regarded by security experts and organizations across Europe for their effectiveness in deterring unauthorized entry.

Here’s a detailed look at the advantages they offer, supported by insights from European security organizations like the European Security Systems Association (ESSA) and other local safety advisory bodies:

Difficult for intruders to unlock

Internal Installation
Mortise locks are installed within the door itself, with only the faceplate visible externally. This design makes them less vulnerable to tampering and forced entry.

High-security cylinder
These locks typically feature a cylinder that is challenging to pick. European standards, such as those set by ESSA, recommend cylinders that meet specific anti-pick, anti-bump, and anti-drill criteria, ensuring they are nearly impossible to open without the correct key.

Available in various sizes

Customizable fit
Mortise locks are available in a variety of sizes, which makes them suitable for different door thicknesses and types. This versatility is important in Europe, where door specifications can vary significantly between countries and even historical and modern buildings.

They are designed to replace existing locks without the need for new holes or extensive modifications, which is a practical feature for maintaining the integrity of older doors, especially in heritage properties.

Two-lock mechanism

Dual functionality

The inclusion of both a latch and a deadbolt allows the lock to be engaged from both inside and outside, enhancing security. This dual locking mechanism is particularly valued in business environments and multi-dwelling units for its added security layer.

Visually appealing

Mortise locks often feature a vintage or antique appearance, making them aesthetically pleasing and well-suited to both traditional and contemporary architecture. Their attractive design does not compromise on functionality, which is a significant advantage noted by design councils and preservation societies across Europe.

Sliding bolt lock mechanism

Secure locking
The bolt of a mortise lock extends into the door frame, which secures the door more effectively than basic latch mechanisms. The bolt is released only when the lock’s pins align perfectly with the correct key, a security feature that is rigorously tested under European standards like EN 12209.

Passage function

Non-locking option
Some mortise locks come with a passage function that allows the door to close without locking. This feature is particularly useful for internal doors in homes and offices, such as those leading to bathrooms or children’s bedrooms, preventing accidental lock-ins.

European recommendations and standards for smart mortise locks

Organizations like ESSA provide certifications such as the EN 12209 standard, which evaluates and certifies the durability, strength, and security level of door locks, including mortise types.

Adhering to these standards ensures that the locks provide maximum security against common burglary techniques found in Europe, such as lock picking, snapping, and bumping. These features make mortise smart locks a top choice for security-conscious homeowners and businesses.

European Recommendations And Standards For Smart Mortise Locks

Types of mortise smart locks

To find the best mortise smart lock for your home security, consider the following types:


Suitable for both windows and doors, a deadlatch can be opened with an external key and a thumb turn from inside. It can be used with a door handle or knob, depending on your preference.


Locks that prevent the bolt from being retracted without a key. They are always locked and are typically used on doors that are not frequently accessed. Deadlocks are simple to install and remove, making them convenient for homeowners and office managers.

Night latches

Automatically lock when the door is closed. A key is required to open from the outside, while the handle can be turned to open from inside. Night latches provide additional security when you are at home.

Electrical locks

Operated by key switches, intercom systems, or push buttons, making them ideal for residential complexes and offices. Though installation is more labor-intensive, the convenience they offer makes them worth the investment.

Components and working of a mortise lock

A mortise lock typically consists of three parts:

Comprising two parts—one fixed to the door frame and another to the door itself—working together to keep the door firmly shut when locked.

The latch mechanism is designed to retract when the door handle is turned, allowing the door to open. This component is crucial for everyday use, ensuring the door closes securely without needing to engage the deadbolt every time. Read more about general door locks at, visit their website here.

Featuring a cylinder that slides into the door jamb’s indentation, held securely in place when not engaged, but can be turned with a key. The deadbolt provides additional security by extending deeper into the door frame, making it more resistant to forced entry.

The housing unit, usually made of hard plastic or metal, is attached to the frame with screws or nails, holding the components together.

A faceplate on the framework helps prevent tampering. The framework supports the mortise lock’s complex mechanism, ensuring it operates smoothly and securely.

Components And Working Of A Mortise Lock

The market for secure home locks and solutions

In recent years, Sweden and Denmark have been noted for their relatively high burglary rates compared to other countries. As of 2020, Sweden experienced about 81,140 burglary incidents. Despite fluctuations, there has been a general trend of decrease in burglary rates over the years in Sweden.

Denmark also features prominently in discussions about high burglary rates, although specific figures for recent years were not detailed in the search results.

Advanced locking systems, such as deadbolts and smart locks, significantly reduce the chances of forced entry. Data shows that houses equipped with high-quality locks are less likely to be targeted by burglars. For instance, homes without security measures are up to five times more likely to be broken into​ (Office for National Statistics)​.

In conclusion, investing in the best mortise smart lock can significantly improve your home or business security, providing peace of mind and a stylish touch to your doors. The combination of traditional robust mechanisms with modern smart features makes these locks an excellent choice for enhanced security. Good luck!


  • Danielle Stone

    She has been writing professionally for 8 years, with articles published in various print and online publications. She is an avid researcher and strives to bring her readers the most up-to-date information and insights on the topics she covers. Danielle is also an expert on home renovation, interior design and construction, and she loves helping homeowners turn their dreams into realities. When she’s not writing or editing, Danielle enjoys spending time with her family, gardening and exploring nature.

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